位于长湖之滨的荆门市后港中学,有一位把全身心血倾注到发展农村中学体育事业上的体育教师。二十多年来,他扎根乡村,执着追求,走出了一条坚实、宽阔的路子。他虽已两鬓微白,却永远那样自信、执着。他就是获得“全国农村优秀体育教师”殊荣的黎福泉老师。 “各人有各人的活法!” 1969年,黎福泉,这位二十多岁的年轻军人,一位从援越抗美前线带回二枚勋章,连续五年被评为五好战士,多次受到司令部嘉奖的
Jingmen City Hougang Middle School, located on the shores of Long Lake, has a physical education teacher devoted to developing sports in rural middle schools. For more than two decades, he took root in the rural areas and persisted in his pursuit of a solid and broad path. Although he has been twice as pale, but always so confident, persistent. He is the teacher Li Fuquan who won the honor of “National Outstanding Physical Education Teacher in Rural Areas”. "In 1969, Li Fuquan, a young man in his twenties, brought two medals back from the anti-American front in aid Vietnam and was voted as a good soldier for five consecutive years , Many times commended by the headquarters