患者,男,56岁。右臀部皮肤破溃伴疼痛一月,于1991年10月20日就诊。患者10年前患右臀部粉瘤自行破溃治愈后3个月,局部呈硬结状,逐渐增大,无任何不适,此后反复发作感染,自行破溃三次,均治愈。一年来自破溃后一直不愈合,流黄白色液体。体检:右臀部环跳穴上方2 cm处有一4×5 cm之大肿块,其下方为一2×2 cm大小呈菜花状,质硬,乌紫色突出皮肤表面之肿物,有压痛,与周围组织分界不清。浅表淋巴结不肿大。即在门诊手术切除;术中发现粉瘤基底部呈软骨样改变,
Patient, male, 56 years old. The right buttock skin ruptured with pain in January and was seen on October 20, 1991. The patient suffered from right hepatic aneurysm rupture 10 years after he had healed and healed for 3 months. The patient presented with a hard nodule and gradually increased without any discomfort. Since then, the patient had repeated episodes of infection and ruptured three times and healed. One year from the ulceration has not been healed, flow yellow-white liquid. Physical examination: There is a large mass of 4×5 cm 2 cm above the right buttocks ring jump hole. The bottom is a 2×2 cm size cauliflower-like, hard, dark purple highlights the tumor on the surface of the skin, tenderness, and surrounding The organizational boundaries are unclear. Superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. Surgical resection was performed at the outpatient clinic;