增压系统的状态直接影响柴油机的经济性和动力性 ,对增压系统的状态及时进行监测和故障诊断 ,是保证其在良好状态下工作的有效措施。为此 ,研制了增压系统故障诊断仪。本文介绍了仪器的工作原理 ,软硬件组成和特点。根据机车柴油机的结构和特点 ,该仪器选择进气管中空气的压力和温度作为特征参数 ,不但能准确反映增压系统的状态 ,而且检测方便。利用模糊理论对增压系统的状态进行诊断 ,提高了诊断结果的准确率。运用表明 ,该仪器可实现对增压系统的不解体检测和故障诊断 ,是实现增压系统状态修理的理想设备
The status of the booster system directly affects the economy and power of the diesel engine, and timely monitoring and fault diagnosis of the booster system is an effective measure to ensure that it works in a good condition. To this end, developed a pressurized system fault diagnostic apparatus. This article describes the working principle of the instrument, hardware and software components and characteristics. According to the structure and characteristics of locomotive diesel engine, the instrument selects the pressure and temperature of the air in the intake pipe as the characteristic parameters, which not only can accurately reflect the state of the booster system, but also convenient for testing. The fuzzy theory is used to diagnose the state of the supercharging system and improve the accuracy of the diagnostic results. The application shows that the instrument can realize the non-disassembly detection and fault diagnosis of the supercharging system and is the ideal equipment for repairing the state of the supercharging system