近来我院在临床治疗病窦(SSS)中发现附子可使结性心律转变为窦性心律,能使窦房阻滞消除。为了进一步从动物实验中找到附子使心脏起搏点上移,恢复窦房结起搏功能的证据,我们进行了有关的动物实验。材料与方法健康犬25只,体重12~20kg,雌雄不拘。一、手术与病窦模型制备:戊巴比妥钠30mg/kg 静脉注射麻醉,S-C 型呼吸机维持呼吸,经静脉置入调搏导管,从右第四肋间开胸显露心脏,心外膜标测起搏点
Recently in our hospital in the clinical treatment of sick sinus (SSS) found in the aconite can make the rhythm of the rhythm of sinus rhythm, sinoatrial block can eliminate. In order to further find out from the animal experiments that aconite to cardiac pacemaker point up, to restore evidence of sinus node pacing function, we conducted the relevant animal experiments. Materials and Methods Healthy dogs 25, weight 12 ~ 20kg, male or female. First, surgery and sick sinus model preparation: sodium pentobarbital 30mg / kg intravenous anesthesia, SC-type ventilator to maintain breathing, transcatheter implantation catheter, from the fourth intercostal thoracotomy revealed the heart, epicardium Mapping pace points