无心畸胎发生在多胎妊娠,主要是双胎妊娠中的一胎,甚罕见。为无心脏或痕迹心脏并有躯体其他部位畸形的先天畸形。而与之同胎的另一儿多为正常儿。发生率约1/34 600,占一卵性双胎的1%。无心畸胎按Das的分类分为四型。①无心畸胎:有躯体和四肢,头部发育不全。②无头无心畸胎:有骨盆和下肢,无头部和上肢,多见。③无体形无心畸胎:为皮肤包裹的肉块。④无躯干无心畸胎:只有部分头部,无其他部分。
No teratogenesis occurs in multiple pregnancies, mainly in the twins of a child, very rare. No heart or traces of the heart and other parts of the body deformity of the congenital malformations. And the same with the other child more than normal children. The incidence of about 1/34 600, accounting for 1% of ovum twins. No distraction according to Das classification is divided into four types. ① no heart teratogenic: body and limbs, head hypoplasia. ② Headless heartless teratogenic: pelvis and lower extremities, without head and upper limbs, more common. ③ no shapeless mindless teratology: the skin wrapped in meat. ④ no trunk no teratogenic: only part of the head, no other parts.