通常这类故事是这么讲的:某列在不合适的场所办事,由于受到惊扰,女方突发严重的阴道痉挛,导致双方下体无法分开,于是俩人只好裹条毯子,用一副担架抬到医院解决。一些传闻有一个学术名词是专门用来描述这种情况的,叫作“阴茎钳持”(penis captivus)。关于阴茎钳持的资料非常少,最早的记载可追溯到中世纪,内容是有人在教堂里干那事的时候出了问题,直到第二天早上才被来祷告的信徒们发现。这故事由于年代过于久远,真实性不可考。另一则往事发生在1923年的波兰。有报道称,两个年轻学生在花园里亲热的时候发生了这种事。由于记者过分激情地渲染,这两个学生羞愤不已,饮弹自尽。不过这事主要是记者在那里起哄,并没有医生方面的说法。
This type of story is often said: a column in the wrong place, because of disturbances, the woman’s severe vaginal spasm, resulting in lower body can not be separated from both parties, so the two had only wrapped in blankets, carried with a stretcher Hospital to solve. Some rumors have an academic term that is used exclusively to describe this situation, and is called “penis captivus.” There is very little information about penile clamping, and the earliest records date back to the Middle Ages when there was a problem with someone who did it in the church until it was discovered by the believers who prayed the next morning. As the story is too old, authenticity can not be tested. Another incident took place in 1923 in Poland. It has been reported that this happened when two young students were intimate in the garden. Due to the reporter’s passionate rendering, the two students were indignant and dumped themselves. However, this issue is mainly caused by the fact that the reporter has been coaxing there and there is no explanation from the doctor.