呆呆的儿子 养父母倾尽心血宠爱你

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一个偶然的机会,得知安化县一中退休教师蒋昌林、李桃青夫妇22年来对收养的残疾儿子付出了无私的爱。于是,我走进了这个特殊的家庭,也走进了他们20多年来的风雨人生……1965年7月,蒋昌林与李桃青结为夫妻。婚后,他们恩恩爱爱,互相扶持,小日子过得有滋有味。可美中也有不足,那就 By chance, I learned that retired teachers Jiang Chang-lin and Li Tao-qing, one of the retired teachers in Anhua County, have given selfless love to the disabled son for adoption in the past 22 years. So, I went into this special family, but also into their stormy life of more than 20 years ... ... July 1965, Jiang Changlin and Li Taoqing married. After marriage, they love and love each other, support each other, have a happy life. But there are also deficiencies in the United States, then
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