
来源 :公安大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengjunzhe
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对湖北省襄樊市公安局千名民警的调查显示:当前民警的思想状况总体是好的,大多数民警政治坚定、作风正派、爱岗敬业、要求进步,经得起市场经济的考验;但民警队伍中也存在价值取向多元化、物质利益至上、不思进取、是非不分等不良倾向,需要采取有效措施加以解决。除了抓教育、树典型、落实规章制度、改革陈规陋习之外,各级公安机关领导还应在加强沟通、从优待警方面多下功夫。 A survey of one thousand policemen in Xiangfan City Public Security Bureau of Hubei Province shows that: At present, the ideological condition of the police is generally good. Most of the policemen are politically determined, honest and dedication, dedication and progress, and withstand the test of a market economy. However, the police There are also diversified values ​​in the ranks, material interests are above everything else, non-aggressiveness and non-discriminatory tendencies, and effective measures need to be taken to solve them. In addition to focusing on education and trees, implementing rules and regulations and reforming stereotypes and practices, the leaders of public security organs at all levels should also step up their efforts in communication and deal more with the police.