几年前,我们为满足每届毕业生选择版画这种形式作为毕业创作手段的需求,也为适应中小学美术教材中版画欣赏和制作课内容的要求,在专业课总体计划中适时地嵌入小版画课(二年制专科设二周,改三年制专科后设五周)。实践证明,学生们还是非常喜欢的。 好的版画作品,总是以其情真意切、单纯洗炼、新颖别致的韵味而获称道,但不一定非把作品弄得复杂艰深不可,这是由版画固有的艺术特征即概括、提练、简洁、鲜明所决定的。如何将这些艺术旨趣贯彻于我系的版画课教学中,还是一个值得不断探讨的课题。
A few years ago, in order to satisfy the graduates’ choice of printmaking as a means of graduation creation, and in order to meet the requirements of print appreciation and production of textbooks in primary and secondary art textbooks, we timely embed small print in the overall plan of specialized courses Classes (two-year junior college two weeks, three-year college three weeks later). Practice has proved that students still very much like. Good prints are always praised for their genuineness, simple washing and novelty, but they are not necessarily complicated or difficult to compose. They are summarized by the inherent artistic features of printmaking , Concise, distinctly decided. How to implement these artistic purports in the teaching of printmaking class in my department is still a subject worth exploring continuously.