Views on the Future of Internet

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Diversity and convergence The Internet is so deeply ingrained in our lifes and its scale is so large, its future development must be through evolution (migration); a wholesale replacement, even with something vastly better, is impractical. However, many attempts to upgrade Internet services in the past have Diversity and convergence The Internet is so deeply ingrained in our lifes and its scale is so large, its future development must be through evolution (migration); a wholesale replacement, even with something vastly better, is impractical. However, many attempts to upgrade Internet services in the past have
有一天,妈妈买回了一个柚子。平时都是爸爸剥柚子,可是当时爸爸在睡觉,妈妈就要我来剥柚子。我没爸爸的劲大,要把厚厚的柚子皮剥下来可真不容易,我费了九牛二虎之力才弄好。我觉得这样剥柚子皮太费劲,太麻烦了。我想,要是用几把刀同时切下去,那样多省力呀!于是,我就想发明一个“雪花型”刀具,它不仅能切柚子,还能切火龙果、香瓜、辣椒等。  将刀具的刀头部分设计成六片式,增加切割面,每切割一次相当于普通刀具切割六