Z: 老师。据史料记录的推算。今年正是明代郑和下西洋六百周年的纪念。有专家学者评论说,郑和开辟的海外贸易通道,实质上就是一条“海上瓷路”。B: 我们知道,占代中国连接东亚和西亚、地中海的贸易通道一股是在内陆。它是经过中亚细亚的沙漠和草原,翻山
Z: Teacher. According to the historical records of the projections. This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of Zheng He’s departure from the West in the Ming Dynasty. Some experts and scholars commented that the path of overseas trade opened up by Zheng He is essentially a “sea porcelain road”. B: We know that the trade route that takes the place of China to connect East Asia with West Asia and the Mediterranean Sea is inland. It is through the Central Asian desert and grasslands, over the mountains