这是三位成功者的轨迹,尽管都很简单,但也还可以看出点眉目,分析其特点,正如文中说的,首先是要有点本事,什么都不会或会得不精,不专,就什么也没法说。“裤王”善做裤子,“朋友”善做婚礼服装,而那位“365天不歇者”,既善瓦工,又懂线路版。不然,充其量只能一辈子打工 弄得惨一点,打工都没人要 其次是抓住机遇 机遇来了,畏首畏尾,犹豫不决,有本事也不成。再其次就是干劲了,不干成不了,不大干,拼命干也成不了,“一分汗水一分收成”,说的就是这个理 成功者的轨迹,对你能有启迪吗?
This is the track of the three successful people. Although they are all very simple, they can also look out the spotlight and analyze their characteristics. As the paper said, the first is to have a little skill, and nothing will or will not be refined. I can not say anything. “Trousers” good pants, “friends” good wedding costumes, and that “365 days without interruption”, both good bricklayer, but also understand the line version. Otherwise, at best, it will only work harder for a lifetime, and no one wants to work next is to seize the opportunities and opportunities, hesitating, hesitant, and capable. And then there is energy, not to become impossible, not big, desperate can not become, “a point sweat a harvest”, that is, the path of this success, you can have enlightenment?