
来源 :景德镇陶瓷 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongzi2009
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鄂城,位于湖北省东南部,长江的南岸。三国时始名武昌,孙权在此建都达八年之久。两晋和南朝前期,她一直是长江中游的军事重镇。自1956年以来,随着社会主义建设事业的蓬勃发展,在鄂城城郊发现了众多的古代墓葬和遗物,其中已发掘的六朝墓葬达三百余座,出土了近三千件六朝遗物,为研究鄂城地区六朝历史和文化提供了重要的实物资料。这三百余座六朝墓葬中的纪年材料不多,根据器物的类型进行初步排比结果,其中南朝墓葬所占的比例最小,孙吴墓葬次之,尤以两晋墓葬所占的数量最小,总数约近两百座。在近两百座晋墓中,出土随葬器物相当丰富,计有:青瓷器、陶器、铜器、铁器、铜镜、铁镜、金银器、滑石器等类,其中青瓷器出土数量最多,为最常见的随葬品。除 Echeng, located in southeastern Hubei Province, the southern bank of the Yangtze River. When the Three Kingdoms Wuchang, Sun Quan built in this up to eight years. Two Jin and early Southern Dynasties, she has been the military center of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Since 1956, with the vigorous development of socialist construction, numerous ancient tombs and relics have been discovered in the suburbs of Echeng. Among them, more than 300 tombs have been excavated in the Six Dynasties and nearly 3,000 relics of the Six Dynasties have been excavated for The study of the history and culture of the Six Dynasties in Echeng region provided important material information. There are not many anniversaries in these three hundred tombs of the Six Dynasties. According to the types of artifacts, the initial row ratio results include the smallest proportion of the tombs in the Southern Dynasties, the second in the tombs of the Sunwu tombs, especially the tombs of the Jin dynasties, Nearly two hundred. In nearly two hundred Jin tombs, unearthed objects rich in funeral objects, there are: celadon, pottery, bronze, iron, copper mirror, iron mirror, gold and silver, talc and other categories, of which the largest number of unearthed celadon, The most common funerary objects. except
摘要: 近年来, 随着社会经济的快速发展及人民生活水平的提高, 在许多地区油  烟污染已经成为仅次于工业污染和交通污染的第三大空气污染,引起了公众的关注。本文就油烟污染对健康、环境的影响进行分析并提出相应的防治对策。  关键词:环境影响评价;餐饮油烟;排烟风道;油烟控制  Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of social
摘要:介绍了城市规划、城市设计和建筑设计的学科性质,从城市规划、城市设计与建筑设计的关系论述中,阐述了城市规划、城市设计和建筑设计之间相互影响、相对独立,建筑设计服从城市规划,城市设计指导建筑设计,提出建立建筑设计方案评审制度。  关键词:城市规划设计;建筑设计;关系  Abstract: This paper introduces the nature of the subject of cit
摘要:本文主要阐述土建结构设计过程中材料选择、构造要求、荷载取值等方面,分析了违反结构设计规范的常见情况,并研究了如何正确理解和执行相关结构设计规范。   关键词:土建结构;设计;规范   Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the design process in civil and structural engineering material sel
摘要::本文首先讨论了技术原理,接着分析了施工工艺﹑碎石注浆桩技术特点、桩身质量的检测,最后研究了监测方案。  关键词:公路工程;工程施工;公路工程施工;施工技术;碎石注浆桩技术  Abstract: This paper first discusses the technical principle, and then analyzes the detection quality constru