12月14日,原泛亚技术中心总裁白雷蒙(Ray Bierzynski)正式加盟奇瑞汽车,担任奇瑞汽车上海研发中心负责人,主导奇瑞新一代车型的设计与开发,向奇瑞汽车常务执行副总经理陈安宁汇报。白雷蒙拥有凯特琳大学机械工程学士学位和哈佛大学工商管理硕士学位,早在1994年进入凯迪拉克任工程部经理,1997年开始进入通用汽车工作,担任过汽车结构设计总监等要职。
On December 14, Ray Bierzynski, former president of Pan Asia Technology Center, officially joined Chery Automobile as the head of Chery Automotive Shanghai R & D Center, leading the design and development of a new generation of Chery vehicles and executive vice president of Chery Automobile Chen Anning report. White Ray graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Caitlin University and a Masters in Business Administration from Harvard University. As early as 1994, he joined Cadillac as Engineering Manager. In 1997, he started his career at General Motors as a Director of Automotive Structure Design.