在影片《生死抉择》中,严副书记“谆谆”诱导李高成:每一个聪明的领导干部都要进入一个“圈子”,只有进入一个“圈子”,才能保护自己,不断进步。银幕上的这种“圈子”,在近几年查处的腐败大案中屡见不鲜,串案、窝案的大量揭露,令人触目惊心!在参与串案、窝案的腐败分子中,有一种较普遍的“集体安全心理”,或曰“圈子安全感” 它使得一些领导干部对党纪国法置若罔闻,顶风作案,最后翻船。
In his film “Choice of Life and Death,” Yan’s deputy secretary, “Wannabe,” induces Li Gaocheng: Every clever leading cadre should enter a “circle.” Only by entering a “circle” can he protect himself and make continuous progress. The “circles” on the screen are not uncommon among the major corruption cases investigated and dealt with in recent years. It is shocking to expose a large number of serial and criminal cases. Among the corrupt elements involved in the case-control and litigation cases, there is a more common “ Collective security psychology, ”or“ sense of security in the circle. ”This has led some leading cadres to turn a deaf ear to party discipline and state law and eventually set sail.