Effect of quercetin on chronic enhancement of spatial learning and memory of mice

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y123321y886
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In this study we evaluated the effect of quercetin on D-galactose-induced aged mice using the Morris water maze (MWM) test. Based on the free radical theory of aging,experiments were performed to study the possible biochemical mechanisms of glutathione (GSH) level and hydroxyl radical (OH-) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex and the brain tissue enzyme activity of the mice. The results indicated that quercetin can enhance the exploratory behavior,spatial learning and memory of the mice. The effects relate with enhancing the brain functions and inhibiting oxidative stress by quercetin,and relate with increasing the GSH level and decreasing the OH-content. These findings suggest that quercetin can work as a possible natural anti-aging pharmaceutical product. Based on the free radical theory of aging, experiments were performed to study the possible biochemical mechanisms of glutathione (GSH). Level and hydroxyl radical (OH-) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex and the brain tissue enzyme activity of the mice. The results indicated that quercetin can enhance the exploratory behavior,spatial learning and memory of the mice. The effects relate with enhancing the brain Functions and inhibiting oxidative stress by quercetin,and relates with increasing the GSH level and decreasing the OH-content. These findings suggest that quercetin can work as a possible natural anti-aging pharmaceutical product.
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