评价了 HA Si及其 HA Si Na2 Si O3· x H2 O复合体系的钻井液抑制粘土及页岩的膨胀分散与抗污染性能。结果表明 :HA Si及其复合体系 HA Si Na2 Si O3·H2 O具有很好的抗温稳定性 ,能有效抑制页岩 ,钻屑的膨胀与分散作用 ,同时兼有大分子包被作用
The drilling fluid of HA Si and its HA Si Na 2 Si O 3 .xH 2 O composite system was evaluated to suppress the expansion, dispersion and contamination resistance of clay and shale. The results show that HA Si and its composite system HA Si Na2 Si O3 .H 2 O have good thermal stability and can effectively inhibit the expansion and dispersion of shale and drill cuttings,