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适龄结果荔枝树所开的花有雌花、雄花、两性花和变态花四种,其中只有雌花和两性花能座果,决定荔枝座果多少的还是雌花。那么怎样根据荔枝雌花物候期进行保花保果才能保证荔枝稳产高产呢?1.据多种对荔枝树开花习性的观察,荔枝雌花并粒期(即雌花盛开后第8~12天)是荔枝落花的高峰期,90%以上的雌花均在此期脱落,故适时进行保花对提高荔枝座果率至关重要。采用激素保花,防止或减轻雌花的离层产生需5天的时间,因此,对于花量少的短稀花穗,可抓紧在 Age-appropriate results litchi tree flowers are open flowers, male flowers, bisexual and perverted flowers four, of which only female flowers and bisexual fruit can be fruit, litchi fruit to determine the number of female flowers or. Then according to lychee female flowers waiting period for the protection of flowers and fruits in order to ensure a stable and high yield of litchi it? 1 .According to a variety of litchi tree flowering habits observed, litchi female flower and grain period (ie female flowers in bloom after 8 to 12 days) The peak of falling flowers, more than 90% of female flowers are off in this period, so timely protection of flowers to improve litchi fruit rate is crucial. The use of hormone protection flower, to prevent or reduce the female flower from the layer takes 5 days to take, therefore, for less flower short spike, you can pay close attention to