上个世纪 90年代以来特别是 90年代中后期以来 ,随着整个特殊教育事业的发展 ,我国广大特殊教育工作者对听力障碍学生语言发展和教育进行了广泛的探索和较深入的研究 ,并且取得了很大的成就。本文通过对自 1996年至 2 0 0 3年的《中国特殊教育》和《现代特殊教育》的检索 ,对有关听力障碍学生语言的文章进行了内容分析 ,以期探索其有关变化趋势 ,查明存在的主要问题 ,为今后研究工作的进一步开展和教育实践的实施提供参考。
Since the 90s of last century, especially since the middle and late 1990s, with the development of special education, the majority of special education workers in our country have conducted extensive exploration and deeper research on the language development and education of students with hearing impairment. A lot of achievements. Through the retrieval of “Chinese special education” and “modern special education” from 1996 to 2003, the article analyzes the content of the essay on the language of hearing impaired students with a view to exploring the relevant trends and identifying the existence Which will provide reference for the further development of research work and the implementation of educational practice in the future.