一、问题的提出 到目前为止,关于数据库的讨论,其重心已从是否给予保护转移到如何给予保护上了。 学界在这方面的争论,多限于数据库的版权保护及其不足上,也有学者在此基础上,提出反不 正当竞争法保护的介入,国内外的司法实践也涉及到了这两个方面。我们不难看出,以 上的讨论仍然将焦点集中在数据库所有人身上,而且是基于数据库使用者或其他竞争者(其他 的数据库服务提供者)的行为而展开讨论。笔者认为,数据库的制作和使用实际上涉及纵横两 个方面、三方主体之间的关系。从纵的方面讲,以数据库制作者(或所有者)为核心,上至数 据提供者,下至数据使用者;从横的方面讲,则是数据库所有者与其他竞争者的关系。正是这种 纵横两个方面、三方主体,构成了错综复杂的数据库法律关系。这种法律关系反映了在信息社 会化和社会信息化的条件下,信息的收集使用已成为一项综合的产业,而从事信息的收集整理
First, the issue raised So far, the discussion of the database, the focus has shifted from whether to grant protection to how to give protection. The academic debate in this area is mostly limited to the protection of copyright in databases and its deficiencies. Some scholars also put forward the protection of unfair competition law based on the above. The judicial practice at home and abroad also involves these two aspects. It is not hard to see that the above discussion still focuses on the database owner and is based on the behavior of database users or other competitors (other database service providers). The author believes that the production and use of the database actually involves aspect and aspect, the relationship between the three parties. Vertically speaking, the database producer (or owner) as the core, up to the data provider, down to the data user; horizontal side, it is the relationship between the database owner and other competitors. It is this aspect and aspect, the tripartite body, constitutes a complex database legal relationship. This legal relationship reflects the information in the socialization and social information under the conditions of the collection and use of information has become a comprehensive industry, and engaged in the collection of information