
来源 :中小学电教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaokeai
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临朐各中小学校从小学四年级到高中三年级全部开设了信息技术课,最近,笔者在实地调研时了解到,各中小学信息技术课的教学存在一些较为普遍的问题,在此提出,与大家共同探讨。一、存在的主要问题其一,任课教师数量不足。大部分学校只有一到两名信息技术课教师,较大规模的高中也不 All primary and secondary schools in Linyi set up information technology courses from the fourth grade primary school to the third grade of senior high school. Recently, the author learned from the field research that there are some common problems in the teaching of information technology courses in primary and secondary schools, which are proposed here. Discuss together. First, there are major problems that exist. First, the number of teachers is insufficient. Most schools only have one or two teachers of information technology, and the larger high schools do not
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