‘帕利宾’蓝丁香(Syringa meyeri var.spontanea‘Palibin’)是木犀科丁香属落叶阔叶灌木,株高150~200cm,冠幅80~120cm,树冠椭圆形、圆球形,侧枝紧凑,树皮褐色,冬芽卵形,被鳞片。单叶,对生,卵圆形,全缘,平滑,无托叶。在杭州地区2月下旬叶芽萌动,3月抽梢展叶呈金黄色渐转绿色、深绿色,7月高温季节基本停止生长,8月上旬第2次抽梢,叶色呈金黄色转绿色至褐色,12月下旬至翌年1月冬季休眠,叶片全落。圆锥花序,花小,两性,花冠裂片4,广展。花萼钟状,4裂,宿存。雄蕊,着生于花冠管筒中上部。花期4月下旬
Syringa meyeri var.spontanea’Palibin ’is a plant belonging to the genus Cinnamomea. It has a plant height of 150-200 cm and a crown width of 80-120 cm. The canopy is oval, Brown leather, winter bud oval, was scales. Leaves simple, opposite, ovoid, entire, smooth, without stipules. In late February in Hangzhou bud sprouting buds, in March the tip of the exhibition leaf was golden brown gradually green, dark green, July high temperature season basically stopped growing, the first 2 in August to shoot, leaf color turned golden green to brown, Winter in late December to January the following year dormancy, leaves all fall. Panicles, flowers small, bisexual, corolla lobes 4, Canton Fair. Calyx campanulate, 4-lobed, persistent. Stamens, inserted in upper part of corolla tube. Flowering in late April