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目的探讨热毒宁注射液治疗手足口病的临床疗效。方法选取徐州市贾汪区人民医院2015—2016年收治的手足口病患儿158例,根据随机数字表法分为西医组和热毒宁组,各79例。西医组患儿予以基础治疗,热毒宁组患儿在西医组基础上给予热毒宁注射液治疗,两组患儿均以3~7 d为1个疗程。比较两组患儿的临床疗效、皮疹消退时间、退热时间、体温恢复至正常时间及镇静药使用情况。结果热毒宁组患儿治疗总有效率高于西医组(P<0.05)。热毒宁组患儿皮疹消退时间、退热时间、体温恢复至正常时间短于西医组,镇静药使用率低于西医组(P<0.05)。结论采用热毒宁注射液治疗手足口病的临床疗效确切,不仅可有效改善患儿的临床症状,还可减少镇静药物的使用。 Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of Renduining injection in the treatment of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods A total of 158 children with hand-foot-mouth disease admitted from 2015 to 2016 in Jiawang District People’s Hospital of Xuzhou City were divided into two groups according to a random number table: 79 cases in each group. The western medicine group was given basic treatment, and the children in Reduining group were treated with Renduining injection on the basis of western medicine group. Both groups were given a course of treatment for 3-7 days. The clinical efficacy, rash subsidence time, antipyretic time, body temperature returned to normal time and the use of sedatives were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of the treatment group was higher than that of western medicine group (P <0.05). Rehdurin children with rash subsided time, antipyretic time, body temperature returned to normal time shorter than Western medicine group, sedation drug use rate was lower than the Western medicine group (P <0.05). Conclusion The clinical efficacy of Renduining injection in the treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease is accurate, not only can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of children, but also reduce the use of sedative drugs.
目的:探讨大鼠磨牙牙根根端组织发育牙根和牙周组织的能力.方法:选择出生后25 d的SD大鼠,切取下颌第一磨牙牙根端组织,移植于成年大鼠肾被膜下,4周后取材,组织学观察.结果:大
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日间手术后镇痛的必要性 rn日间手术后良好的镇痛,不但有助于预防循环和呼吸系统并发症的发生、改善手术后转归,提高患者满意度,也是保证日间手术平稳进行的必要条件.rn手术