妇女再婚,指离异女子另寻新夫或寡居女子重新婚配。妇女再婚的难易程度和范围大小,是衡量婚姻关系自由开放程度的一个重要标志。本文试对北朝时期的妇女再婚做一考述。 一 北朝人们关于女子的贞节观念比较淡漠,妇女再婚是极平常的事,从后妃到公主,从士族女到平民女,再婚现象广泛存在。此外,还有两种妇女再婚的特殊方式:赐妻、收继婚。
Remarriage of a woman means that a divorced woman seeks a new husband or a widowed woman to remarry. The difficulty and size of the remarriage of women is an important indicator of the degree of freedom and openness of marriage. This article tries to make a remark on the remarriage of women in the Northern Dynasties. A Northern Dynasties people’s concept of the chastity of women is relatively indifferent, remarriage of women is a very common thing, from the concubine to the princess, from the gentry daughter to the civilian population, the phenomenon of remarriage widespread. In addition, there are two special ways for women to remarry: give their wives and marry later.