《没有任何借口》 (美)布瑞斯·巴勃著刘阿钢史芡译中国社会科学出版社定价:29.80元记得前年同名的《没有任何借口》一书热销国内,备受推崇, 的确火了一阵子。随后终因伪书风波悄然降温,以致众说纷纭, 褒贬不一。近日,偶然见到由中国社会科学出版社隆重推出的惟一正版书《没有任何借口》。欣喜之余,认真翻阅了一遍,内心
“There is no excuse” (United States) BRUSSBERG with Liu A steel history translation China Social Sciences Publishing House Price: 29.80 yuan Remember the year before the same name “no excuses” a book selling domestic, highly respected, indeed Fire for a while. Subsequent silence due to pseudo-book quietly cooling, resulting in divergent opinions, mixed. Recently, I happened to see the sole legitimate book launched by China Social Sciences Publishing House “without any excuse”. Rejoicing, carefully read it again, the heart