近日,新加坡旅游局 (STB)、UFI(全球展覽业协会)和国际组织会议管理专业协会 (PCMA) 发布了《疫情下及疫后-重新构想展览会议活动》白皮书。该白皮书是会展目的地与会展业协会领袖之间的首次此类合作。白皮书呈现了新冠肺炎疫情下会展业的转型之路,并汇聚了全球观点,来帮助会展业者从三大创新支柱重新构想他们的产品和服务,包括商业模式、与会者体验和人才资源。
白皮书也反映了亚洲会展业复苏和创新的明显迹象。与世界其他地区相比,亚洲会展的与会者和参展商的参与度可能会出现更强劲的增长。同时,亚洲地区线上或混合式活动的趋势也更加明显,亚洲受访者参加此类活动的可能性是其他地区受访者的两倍多。与 2020 年相比,亚洲地区会展收入预计增幅121%,超过 106% 的全球平均水平。
STB, PCMA and UFI launch white paper to reimagine the future of business events
Singapore Tourism Board (STB), UFI (The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry) and Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) have launched a white paper titled “Reimagining Business Events – Through COVID-19 and Beyond”. The paper is the first such collaboration between a destination and leading associations representing the exhibitions, conventions and meetings industry. It documents the transformation of the industry in response to COVID-19, and consolidates global ideas around three innovation pillars of Business Models, Delegate Experience and Talent & Capabilities. The paper highlights strong indications of growth and innovation in Asia. Exhibitions in Asia are likely to see stronger growth in participation numbers from visitors and exhibitors, as well as stronger revenue growth in 2021 compared to the rest of the world. There is also a stronger appetite for digital or hybrid events from industry respondents in the region.
白皮书也反映了亚洲会展业复苏和创新的明显迹象。与世界其他地区相比,亚洲会展的与会者和参展商的参与度可能会出现更强劲的增长。同时,亚洲地区线上或混合式活动的趋势也更加明显,亚洲受访者参加此类活动的可能性是其他地区受访者的两倍多。与 2020 年相比,亚洲地区会展收入预计增幅121%,超过 106% 的全球平均水平。
STB, PCMA and UFI launch white paper to reimagine the future of business events
Singapore Tourism Board (STB), UFI (The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry) and Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) have launched a white paper titled “Reimagining Business Events – Through COVID-19 and Beyond”. The paper is the first such collaboration between a destination and leading associations representing the exhibitions, conventions and meetings industry. It documents the transformation of the industry in response to COVID-19, and consolidates global ideas around three innovation pillars of Business Models, Delegate Experience and Talent & Capabilities. The paper highlights strong indications of growth and innovation in Asia. Exhibitions in Asia are likely to see stronger growth in participation numbers from visitors and exhibitors, as well as stronger revenue growth in 2021 compared to the rest of the world. There is also a stronger appetite for digital or hybrid events from industry respondents in the region.