The United States of America shares Ciming, the medical industry three-thirds of the world the end of the pattern Over the past 10 years, capital-driven third-party health care industry competition pattern is coming to a halt in favor of health management driven by big data, is to allow former competitors to accelerate Alliance, open the competing mode of dual integration of capital + resources. A former competitor, today became a confederate. This change occurred in the tripartite confrontation of China’s third-party medical industry. In the past, this industry has three giants Ai Kangbin, Ciming physical examination, the United States of great health, since April 2014 Ai Kang Guobin listed in the United States, the industry is brewing new variables. By the end of 2014, on the United States and Great Health shares of Ciming medical news spread like wildfire, January 6, 2015, Ciming physical examination in its official website