2002年9月15日,由重庆市文明办等七家单位联合开展的首 届“巴渝十大孝子”评选活动中,“孝子热线”接到一则“孝 料”称:重庆市万州区有一个叫陈少弟的捡瓦匠,三十年来先后 赡养了四个非亲非故的老人。他让老人们愉快地享受了晚年生活, 自己却错过了人生的爱情季节,不惑之年依旧孤身一人;他为给 老人们求医问药,从“万元户”变成了打工仔,不得不去卖血, 甚至打算卖掉—个肾……
On September 15, 2002, during the first “Bayu Top Ten Filial Piety” jointly organized by seven units such as Chongqing Civilization Office, “Duzi Hotline” received a “filial piety” saying: Wanzhou District of Chongqing Municipality has One was Chen Shaodi’s picker, and over the past 30 years he has supported four non-relatives. He let the old people happily enjoy the later years of life, but they missed the life of the love season, the puzzled year is still alone; he is seeking medical advice to the elderly, from “million households” into wage earners, not Not to sell blood, or even plan to sell - a kidney ...