目的 描述中国首例输入性裂谷热病例的发病就诊过程、流行病学特征和疫情处理过程,以期对输入性裂谷热病例的管理有所启示.方法 对该患者开展现场流行病学调查.采集患者的血液和唾液标本,应用实时荧光PCR方法对患者标本开展黄热病和裂谷热病毒核酸检测.结果 患者男,45岁,2016年7月14日晚在安哥拉出现发热、头痛等症状,症状持续加重.7月21日22:30患者抵京.抵京后,患者到北京市一传染病专科医院住院治疗,当日经北京市疾病预防控制中心检测患者为裂谷热病毒核酸阳性.经治疗,患者病情好转.9月6日患者治愈出院.结论 该患者为我国首例输入性裂谷热病例.病例在安哥拉工作期间被蚊虫叮咬感染裂谷热.我国与疫情发生国存在持续的人员往来,应加强入境病例排查,做到病例早发现、早隔离,降低出现续发病例的可能性.“,”Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of the first confirmed rift valley fever (RVF) case in China,and provide reference for the management of RVF imported case.Methods Epidemiological data were collected.The blood and saliva samples of the case were collected,viral nucleic acid of yellow fever and RVF were tested by real time PCR.Results The patient was male,45 years old,who suffered a sudden onset of fever,headache and other symptoms in the evening on 14th July in Angola.His condition had worsened progressively.The case arrived in Beijing at 22:30 on 21th July.The state of RVF case got better after treatment.The case was cured and discharged from hospital on 6th September.Conclusions The patient was an imported case of RVF.He was the first imported case in China.He should be infected directly by a mosquito bite during he worked in Angola.There are communication between China and RVF outbreak countries.The territory health quarantine should be strengthened.Early discovery and early quarantine are key measures to reduce transmission risk.