台湾有这么一所学校,学生年龄在15岁-18岁之间,每年三千多学生中,因违反校规校纪被校方开除的二三百人。学校没有工人,没有保卫, 没有大师傅,一切必要工种都由学生自己去做。学校实行学长制,三年级学生带一年级学生。全校集合只需3分钟。学生见到老师七米外要敬礼。学生没有寒暑假作业,没有一个考不上大学的。这就是台湾享誉30年以道德教育为本的忠信高级工商学校。在台湾各大报纸招聘广告上,经常出现“只招忠信毕业生”字样。以下是校长高震东在国内的讲演(本刊选载时略有删节)。
There is such a school in Taiwan. The students are between 15 and 18 years old. Among the more than 3,000 students each year, they are dismissed by the school as two or three hundred people for violating school regulations. The school has no workers, no security, no masters, and all necessary jobs are done by the students themselves. The school implements the system of faculty, with third-year students carrying first-year students. The entire school collection takes only 3 minutes. Students meet the teacher seven meters away to salute. Students do not have winter and summer homework, and none of them can’t go to college. This is Taiwan’s 30-year reputation for moral education-based business schools. In the advertisements of major newspapers in Taiwan, the words “only recruiting faithful graduates” often appear. The following is a presentation by President Gao Zhendong in the country (this publication was slightly deleted when it was selected).