现报道一例胆囊恶性淋巴瘤伴急性肝坏死 ,经查近五年文献未见报道 ,实属罕见 ,报道如下 :病人男 ,2 9岁 ,三月前无明显诱因感上腹部胀痛入院 ,不向他处放射 ,无恶心呕吐 ,不发烧 ,未引起重视。但近半月来 ,右上腹疼痛加重 ,伴发烧 ,咳嗽不止 ,有腹泻无脓血便 ,在当地医院诊断为
A case of gallbladder malignant lymphoma with acute hepatic necrosis has been reported. It has not been reported in the past five years. It is rare. The report is as follows: The patient male is 29 years old. There was no obvious incentive for upper abdominal pain to be admitted to hospital before March. Radiation to him, no nausea and vomiting, no fever, no attention. However, in the past half month, the pain in the right upper abdomen has worsened with fever, coughing, diarrhea without pus, and was diagnosed as a local hospital.