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引言查明事实真相是刑事司法活动的一项重要任务。为了查明事实真相,需要获取相应的证据。在司法实践之中,刑事司法人员实际上不可能也不必要获得所有的证据,那么,刑事司法活动需要重点获取哪些证据?特定的证据能够证明哪些事实?如何运用证据证明案件事实?对证据进行科学分类,明确特定类型的证据所具有的功能,有助于解决上述问题。 Introduction The identification of the truth is an important task in criminal justice activities. In order to find out the truth, we need to obtain the corresponding evidence. In the course of judicial practice, criminal justice personnel are virtually impossible and unnecessary to obtain all the evidence, then what are the key points of criminal justice activities? What facts can the evidence prove? How to use the evidence to prove the facts of the case? Scientific classification, clarifying the function of a particular type of evidence, helps to solve the above problems.
《孟子》云:“天时不如地利,地利不如人和。"《后汉书》曰:“共舆而驰,同舟共济,舆倾舟覆,患实共之。”老百姓中流传着这样一句话“人心齐,泰山移”。这是一个永恒的话题:团结就是力量。  可见,“团结就是力量”有其悠久的历史。三国时期的官渡之战、19世纪中期的美国内战、二战时期的中国抗日战争……这无数的以寡胜多、以弱胜强的例子无一不体现了团结的重要。  佛经中有这样一个故事,一次佛主释迦牟尼问他的弟子
1、"May I borrow your paper?""______"  A、By all means  B、Never mind  C、You are welcome  D、Don’t mention it  2、This bird is really lovely, and I’ve never seen______one.  A、a finer  B、a finest  C、the fin