Using CNKI’s AMLC system, we detected the repetitive text ratio of 230 articles published in “Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Medical Science Edition)” and found that about 50% of the articles had different degrees of repetitive writing, The number of articles with different repetition ratio was skewed distribution, rare repetitive text than the very high article. Sixty-four articles with higher repetition ratio were compared in terms of repetitive number of words in each part. It was found that there were many repetitive words in the method, the result and the discussion in the medical essay, while the summary, the introduction and the material were few. The clinical research and basic research articles were compared and found that the basic research papers in the introduction, methods and results of part of the repetitive text labeling number is higher than the clinical research papers, but the total copy ratio did not find significant differences. To think that opposing and boycotting academic misconduct is a systematic project in which many systems and departments cooperate with each other, and periodical editors should also exercise their academic duties.