Numerical Simulation of Particle Concentration in a Gas Cyclone Separator

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:C12sdn
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The particle concentration inside a cyclone separator at different operation parameters was simulated with the FLUENT software. The Advanced Reynolds Stress Model (ARSM) was used in gas phase turbulence modeling. Stochastic Particle Tracking Model (SPTM) and the Particle-Source-In-Cell (PSIC) method were adopted for particles computing. The interaction between particles and the gas phase was also taken into account. The numerical simulation results were in agreement with the experimental data. The simulation revealed that an unsteady spiral dust strand appeared near the cyclone wall and a non-axi-symmetrical dust ring appeared in the annular space and under the cover plate of the cyclone. There were two regions in the radial particle concentration distribution, in which particle concentration was low in the inner region (r/R≤0.75) and increased greatly in the outer region (r/R>0.75). Large particles generally had higher concentration in the near-wall region and small particles had higher concentration in the inner swirling flow region. The axial distribution of particle concentration in the inner swirling flow (r/R≤0.3) region showed that there existed serious fine particle entrainment within the height of 0.5D above the dust discharge port and a short-cut flow at a distance of about 0.25D below the entrance of the vortex finder. The dimensionless concentration in the high-concentration region increased obviously in the upper part of the cyclone separation space when inlet particle loading was large. With increasing gas temperature, the particle separation ability of the cyclone was obviously weakened. The particle concentration inside a cyclone separator at different operation parameters was simulated with the FLUENT software. The Advanced Reynolds Stress Model (ARSM) was used in gas phase turbulence modeling. Stochastic Particle Tracking Model (SPTM) and the Particle-Source-In-Cell The interaction between particles and the gas phase was also taken into account. The numerical simulation results were in agreement with the experimental data. The simulation revealed that an unsteady spiral dust strand occurred near the cyclone wall there were two regions in the radial particle concentration distribution, in which particle concentration was low in the inner region (r / R ≦ 0.75 ) and increased greatly in the outer region (r / R> 0.75). Large particles generally had higher concentration in the near-wall region and small particles had hi gher concentration in the inner swirling flow region. The axial distribution of particle concentration in the inner swirling flow (r / R ≤ 0.3) region showed that there exists serious fine particle entrainment within the height of 0.5D above the dust discharge port and a short -cut flow at a distance of about 0.25D below the entrance of the vortex finder. The dimensionless concentration in the high-concentration region increased obviously in the upper part of the cyclone separation space when the inlet particle load was large. With increasing gas temperature, the particle separation ability of the cyclone was obviously weakened.
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