【摘 要】
Open the famous contemporary poet Zhao missing parable of the “Book of Songs,” the manuscript, I found that in the past for the understanding of the Book of Songs, there are actually many places are wrong, and wrong is very interesting, let’s talk about these interesting errors ! “Zhou Nan Guan 雎” off off Dove, in the river of the continent.窈 窕 lady, gentleman good 逑. Cohorts uneven, flow around.窈 窕 lady, 寤 sleep for it.
<正> 我厂有一台M120W万能外圆磨床,是60年代的产品。由于使用年久,液压系统老化,磨内孔时经常发生事故。因此,在1982年我们对部分电路进行了如下改进。 M120W万能外圆磨床不
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Hydrologic conditions of the ground water of the Quaternary aquifer in west Ismailia area, Egypt, were characterized based on new hydrologic data collected in 2
<正> 在机械制造中常遇到大端盖、法兰等多等分钻孔。因划线累计误差的产生而影响产品质量。能否采取有效措施分散与消除累计误差?只要操作得当是可以的。精确的加工来源于准
Solid wastes are generated from common manufacturing and industrial processes, and can also be caused by disposing commerce products. The natural radionuclide (
<正> CB1958—80中示例了当基准采用三基准体系中的两个或三个基准平面时位置度的标注及其检测。本文介绍一种用任选基准标注的两公共轴线轴交角Σ等于90°的位置度误差
<正> 圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆的齿形测量,不同于一般的阿基米德齿形蜗杆。所以,我们通过改进灵敏杠杆测头,在轴平面xy坐标系上,对弧线段逐点扫描检测,满足了测试要求。 现通过实例说
The aim of this paper was to analyse the dissolved elements in water which were sampled from the Sebou River in Northern Morocco. The sampling was conducted at