某矿安装于井下-280m用于井下一次破碎作业的PEJ900×1200颚式破碎机,经过20年的运行,设备技术性能已严重下降,制约了井下破碎作业的正常进行。1 润滑系统的改造该设备稀油润滑系统采用XYZ-40标准稀油润滑站,自1988年8月投入使用以来,破碎作业产生的粉矿通过各个供油点和回油点进入系统管路,沉积在管路底部,使管路阻力增大,造成供、回油不畅,影响了设备的正常润滑。2008年6月该矿用φ80 mm高分子复合管替换了原φ40 mm和φ50 mm的管路,大大减少了管路系统的阻力,供、回油效果有了明显的
A mine installed in the underground -280m for a crushing operation of underground PEJ900 × 1200 jaw crusher, after 20 years of operation, equipment, technical performance has been severely reduced, restricting the normal operation of underground crushing operations. A transformation of the lubrication system The equipment thin oil lubrication system uses XYZ-40 standard thin oil lubrication station, since August 1988 put into use, the crushing operation of the powder ore through the various oil supply points and return points into the system piping, Deposition in the bottom of the pipeline, so that pipe resistance increases, resulting in supply, return poor, affecting the normal lubrication of equipment. June 2008 The mine with φ80 mm polymer composite pipe replaced the original φ40 mm and φ50 mm of the pipeline, greatly reducing the resistance of the piping system, for, return oil effect has been obvious