近年来广西的盆景展览会上,出现了一种少见的巨型树桩盆景,树形硕大,气势雄伟,神韵古雅,为观赏者赞叹,为盆景界瞩目。 树桩盆景,古代也称“些子景”,以小型为佳。广西盆景爱好者,受苏州“雀梅王”的启示,不墨守古训,走艺术当随时代之路。当今是改革开放的时代,一切都处在不断变革之中,公路越走越宽,楼房越住越大,生活越过越好,审美情势越来越广,中小型盆景已满足不了新的需求,适应不了新的气派,机关、院校、公司、公园的大门,不但要陈设巨型石狮,还要摆设巨型桩景。盆景界的有
In recent years Guangxi Guangxi bonsai exhibition, there has been a rare giant stump bonsai trees huge, imposing, quaint charm for the viewer praise for the bonsai attention. Stump bonsai, ancient also known as “some of the King” to small is better. Guangxi bonsai enthusiasts, inspired by the Suzhou “Bird King”, do not stick to the ancient training, take the art as the times with the road. Today is the era of reform and opening up, everything is in constant change, the road is wider and wider, more and more live in buildings, living better and better, more and more aesthetic situation, small and medium-sized bonsai can not meet the new needs, Can not adapt to the new style, institutions, institutions, companies, parks door, not only to display a huge stone lions, but also display giant pile King. Bonsai sector there