Su Weichu 1987 Ph.D. of Australian National University, currently senior lecturer in history of the Hong Kong Institute of continuous improvement. Good writing. This article is the “Preface to the Kuomintang Leftist in the National Revolution, 1924-1931” (The Hong Kong University Press, 1991), with a slightly abridged version. The book was well received by overseas academics after it was published. Professor Kobble, a famous scholar in the history of the United States, said: “This study is excellent and helps us to understand the thoughts and factions in the Kuomintang’s development.” (China Quarterly, 1992 Winter number). Another famous historian of the Republic of China, Professor Geith White, also holds the view that “all readers who want to understand the politics of the Kuomintang have to teach this monograph” (Asian Studies Journal, Winter, 1992). This translation has received the warm support and help of Dr. Su Weichu. I hereby express my gratitude.