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目的探讨优化肝硬化患者16层螺旋CT肝内门静脉成像时间。方法70例正常人与65例肝硬化患者(Child A级30例,Child B级18例,Child C级17例)分别先采用Testbolus技术测定主动脉、门静脉及肝脏实质时间密度曲线,测定主动脉、门静脉及肝实质强化峰值时间;分别记录主动脉、门静脉及肝实质强化峰值时间及CT值。统计处理采用SPSS11.0统计软件包。结果正常人主动脉强化峰值时间与肝硬化患者主动脉强化峰值时间差值之间并无统计学差异(P=0.072),二者主动脉强化峰值之差值间也无统计学差异(P=0.14)。肝硬化患者平均门静脉峰值时间(42.2 s)明显长于正常人(34.5 s,P<0.05)。肝硬化患者门静脉强化峰值(49.9 HU)明显低于正常人(58.0 HU,P<0.05)。正常人与肝硬化患者肝实质强化峰值时间分别为53.9 s和62.5 s(P<0.05),而二者肝实质强化峰值分别为26.6 HU和24.5 HU(P<0.05)。Child B、C级肝硬化患者平均门静脉强化峰值时间(43.8 s)稍长于Child A级肝硬化患者(40.5 s),但二者之间并无统计学差异(P=0.163)。结论在注射速度相同(5 ml/s)的情况下肝硬化患者门静脉强化时间(42.3 s)明显长于正常人(34.4 s),Child B、C级肝硬化患者门静脉强化峰值时间(43.9 s)稍长于Child A级肝硬化患者(40.5 s),但二者之间并无统计学差异。 Objective To investigate the optimal time of intrahepatic portal vein imaging in patients with cirrhosis by 16-slice spiral CT. Methods 70 healthy subjects and 65 cirrhotic patients (30 Child A, 18 Child B, and 17 Child C) were used to measure the real time density curve of the aorta, portal vein and liver using Testbolus technique. The aorta , Portal vein and liver parenchyma peak time; respectively, aortic, portal vein and liver parenchymal peak time and CT values ​​were recorded. Statistical processing using SPSS11.0 statistical package. Results There was no significant difference (P = 0.072) between the peak time of aortic enhancement and the peak value of aortic enhancement in patients with cirrhosis. There was also no significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.14). The mean portal vein peak time (42.2 s) in patients with cirrhosis was significantly longer than that in normal subjects (34.5 s, P <0.05). The portal vein peak value (49.9 HU) in patients with cirrhosis was significantly lower than that in normal people (58.0 HU, P <0.05). The peak intensities of liver parenchyma in normal and cirrhosis patients were 53.9 s and 62.5 s, respectively (P <0.05), while the peak values ​​of liver parenchyma were 26.6 HU and 24.5 HU (P <0.05). In Child B, the mean duration of portal vein enhancement (43.8 s) was slightly longer in Child C cirrhosis than in Child A cirrhosis (40.5 s), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.163). Conclusions The portal vein enhancement time (42.3 s) in patients with cirrhosis is significantly longer than that in normal subjects (34.4 s) at the same injection speed (5 ml / s). The portal vein peak enhancement time (43.9 s) in patients with cirrhosis of Child B and C cirrhosis is slightly Longer than Child A cirrhosis (40.5 s), but there was no statistical difference between the two.
Spatial art, manifested in the form of purple sandsculpture, is outward extension. Such extension is notunlimited, which develops in a certain “defined scope”under the control of “law”. All in all, th
患者 女,80岁,自觉胸闷咳嗽.胸部X线片示:左后纵隔一形态完整、质地均匀的肾脏影(图1).CT诊断为胸内异位肾(图2,3).
目的 探讨血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growthfactor,VEGF)在肺癌组织中的表达水平以及微血管密度(microvessel density,MVD)与肺癌螺旋CT(spiral computed tomog
案例1  “叩齿”保健,牙齿越叩越松?  杨姨习惯闲时“叩齿”养生,本来想以此方法锻炼咀嚼肌、改善牙床组织营养,以达到益肾健齿的功效。没想到,却因她患牙周炎多年,导致“叩齿”后牙齿加速松脱。  真相:在口腔或牙齿养生这方面,每个人的问题不同,环境不同,自然不能用一个方法来解决所有问题。牙周炎患者需要做的就是积极治疗牙周炎,在日常保养中,除了早晚刷牙,更要学会用牙缝刷清洁牙缝。  清洁时,首先把牙缝