在空中,一架德国Me-262战机正在对美国一架B-24“解放者”轰炸机穷追不舍。Me-262上的Mk-108机炮轰鸣着,眼看着其发射的30毫米“地雷壳体”高爆炸弹击中了B-24的腰部。这枚薄壁的炸弹在与“解放者”的机身接触后发生了猛烈爆炸。不锈钢的炸弹碎片呈环形穿透了这架不幸的轰炸机机身。这致命一击几乎将轰炸机的机尾与机身分离开来。严重受伤的轰炸机冒着黑烟失去了方向。 读者可能还以为这是发生在欧渊上空的一场空战。事实上,这一幕发生在位于美国空军的一个武器试验靶场。这个靶场坐落在俄亥俄州的赖特机场。这架原德国空军的Me-262战机是由被称为“沃特森的怪才”部队的一个美陆军航空兵情报小组在“贪婪行动”中从欧洲弄回美国的。
In the air, a German Me-262 fighter is chasing a U.S. B-24 Liberator bombers. The Mk-108 cannon on the Me-262 roared and watched as it fired the 30-mm “mine shell” high-bomb that hit the waist of the B-24. The thin-walled bomb exploded violently after touching the fuselage of the Liberator. Stainless steel bomb fragments pierced the unfortunate bomber fuselage. This fatal blow almost separated the bomber’s fuselage from the fuselage. Seriously injured bombers lost their way in the dark smoke. The reader may also think this is an air war that took place in Europe Yuan. In fact, this scene took place at a weapons test range at the U.S. Air Force. This range is located at Wright, Ohio. The former German Air Force’s Me-262 fighter plane was returned to Europe by Europe by a US Army Aviation Intelligence Group called “Watson’s Geeks” unit in “Greedy Operations.”