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2001年7月25日,本刊编辑部在京组织了以“湖北卫视媒介形象”为题的学术研讨会。为什么我们要搞这么一个活动,这出于几个方面的考虑。其一,从本刊来看,我们最近的办刊方向是加大了对实践的关注力度和对理论动态的关注力度,对传媒理论和传媒实践的动态这几年加大了研究力度,特别是对“个案研究”,非常有特点的和在传媒实践和理论方面都有价值的传媒个案抓得比较紧,这也是受我们近几年中国电视传媒改革的变化的影响。众所周知,中国电视最近几年的媒体改革,从节目改革到体制改革到经营改革,都发生了前所未有的剧烈变动。这个变动不仅在业内,而且在社会上甚至在国际上都引起了相当的关注.作为一个权威的核心期刊,专门从事大众传媒理念研究的杂志,本刊有责任来关注这样剧烈变化的传媒动态,有责任从中提炼大众传播的新理念。通过“个案研究”,对理论建设提供鲜活的素材资源,我想这是我们一贯的追求。 其二,从湖北卫视的角度来看,这几年湖北卫视作为国内非常有影响的一家电视媒体,锐意改革,紧跟媒介发展步伐,应该说在东部和西部得到了政策支持的情况下,作为中部的一家电视媒体,力图通过自身的努力,在中部打出一片新的天地。这几年推出了一系列新栏目,组织了大量媒体活动。同 On July 25, 2001, the editorial department of this magazine organized a symposium entitled “Media Image of Hubei Satellite TV” in Beijing. Why do we engage in such an activity, which is due to several considerations. First, from our point of view, the direction we have been running recently is to increase our focus on practice and focus on theoretical dynamics. We have intensified our research on the dynamics of media theory and media practice in recent years. In particular, It is also a relatively tight case study of “case studies”, very distinctive media cases of value in media practice and theory, and is also affected by the changes we have made in China’s television media in recent years. As we all know, China’s television media reform in recent years, from program reform to institutional reform to management reform, have undergone unprecedented dramatic changes. This change has drawn considerable attention not only in the industry but also in society and even in the world. As an authoritative core journal, a magazine specializing in the study of the concept of mass media, it is the responsibility of this journal to pay attention to the dynamics of such a drastic change in the media. It is the responsibility of this journal to refine the new concept of mass communication. Through “case studies”, providing fresh material resources for theoretical construction, I think this is our consistent pursuit. Second, from the perspective of Hubei Satellite TV, Hubei Satellite TV, as a very influential domestic television media in recent years, is determined to reform and closely follow the pace of media development. In the case of policy support from the eastern and western regions, A television media center, trying to make its own efforts in the central play a new world. In recent years a series of new sections have been launched and a large number of media activities have been organized. with
一个盗窃团伙最近在境外出售了一批珍贵的文物,有线报称,头目带着卖文物的赃款逃窜到马丁探长所在的市。  为了逃窜方便,犯罪分子的头目只携带了一个旅行包,头目肯定想要尽可能多地带走赃款。  侦探提问1  那么,你覺得他会选择带百元大钞还是金条呢?
目的对比2种手术方法治疗瘢痕妊娠的多普勒彩超及血清β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-h CG)水平。方法将84例瘢痕妊娠患者随机分为试验组和对照组各42例。试验组给予B型超声引导下
【摘 要】目标树培育法是现代林业发展的需要,也是国家木材战略储备林建设的需要,本文阐述了目标树培育法森林抚育设计规定,及实施森林抚育所取得的效益。这对改变传统的目标单一、措施单一、森林单一、功能单一的经营模式,培育多林层、多树种、不同林龄结构的近自然林分,保护了生物多样性,发挥了森林的可持续性、多功能性、多效益性有着重要的意义。  【关键词】目标树;森林抚育;意义  森林抚育是提高林分质量,促进林