“Gu Tinglin nunnery, there are loyalty martyred ancestral temple, in recent years, suddenly cracked a few feet, there is wind and waves, to geophysical, should start fire, still burning ”. This is the record of the Song Dynasty Lu Yinglong Hunan Jiahe coal mine found coal gas experience. It can be seen from the beginning of coal mining, people knew there was flammable gas in the coal seam. The combustible gas in mines often leads to catastrophic accidents. Taking Tianfu coal mine in Sichuan Province as an example, from 1950 to 1982, there were 119 accidents with gas outbursts in coal mines. Therefore, coal mine gas has been the enemy that has endangered coal mine safety production over the years. In the past decade, people have found that natural gas will be available. According to the world’s proven reserves of natural gas (138 trillion cubic meters) and the amount of extraction in 1993, the world’s natural gas can only last 57 years. Some countries, such as the United States, can only mine for eight years. General calculation of the life of natural gas