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陶行知先生是我国伟大的教育家,他把一生都投身给了祖国的教育事业,一生致力于教育教学研究,为祖国教育事业的发展做出了伟大贡献,他的教育思想至今影响和感召着无数教育工作者。假期中,我有幸读到《陶行知文集》这本书,可谓受益极深。先生在他的文集中《小学教师与民主运动》一文中,曾就教师的民主作风精辟的概括出了六点,这六点,仔细揣摩,笔者以为,它值得我们新时期每一位教师用心去领悟。1.解放他的头脑,使他能想。解放头脑,亦即教师要千方百计调动学生思考的大脑,使他们能思考、会思考、 Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a great educator in our country, devoted all his life to the educational undertaking of the motherland. He devoted his life to education, teaching and research, and made great contributions to the development of the motherland education. His educational thinking has so far affected and inspired Countless educators. During the holidays, I was fortunate enough to read the book “Tao Xingzhi Ji”, which is extremely beneficial. In his essay “Primary School Teachers and the Movement for Democracy,” Mr. Man gave a brilliant summary of the democratic style of teachers out of six points. These six points are carefully considered. I believe that it deserves every teacher’s intention in our new era To comprehend. 1. Liberate his mind so that he can think. Emancipate the mind, that is, teachers should do everything possible to mobilize the brain students think so that they can think, think,
作为高中生物教师,要转变思想、改变方法、联系生活和实际,把课改新理念融入到日常的教学决策与具体教学过程之中,使学生在全面发展的基础上实现有个性的发展。 As a biolog