
来源 :上海社会科学院学术季刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yixiangren1976
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上海工人三次武装起义不仅具备群众武装起义必须具备的一般条件,而且有它独特的条件;“响应北伐军”不是这次起义的目的,民众直接参加政权才是起义的目的;中国共产党的政权思想在三次起义中有一个发展变化过程。上海工人三次武装起义的核心问题有两个方面:一是武装起义,二是民众政权。对这次起义应围绕这两点评价,评价应恰如其分,不宜偏高。 The three armed uprisings of Shanghai workers not only possessed the general conditions necessary for the armed uprising of the masses, but also had their unique conditions; “responding to the Northern Expeditionary Army” was not the purpose of this insurrection. The direct participation of the people in power was the purpose of the insurrection; and the political thought of the Chinese Communist Party During the three uprisings, there was a process of development and change. The core issue of the three armed uprisings of Shanghai workers is twofold: first, the armed uprising; second, the people’s power. The uprising should focus on these two evaluation, evaluation should be appropriate, not high.
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【正】 一九二六年七月,国民革命军在广东出师北伐,沿途受到广大工农群众的热烈响应和支持,“打倒列强除军阀”的革命风暴席卷大半个中国。上海工人的三次武装起义就是在“响