经济学家Robert Solow发表于半个世纪前的一篇论文,揭示了一个重大发现:经济增长的动力,绝大部分应当归功于技术进步。据Solow称,在工业化蓬勃发展的1909到1949年间,人均工时产量增长了一倍,这其中12.5%的贡献是由投资增加引起的;而87.5%则完全归功于“技术进步”。“技术进步”对经济增长的推动作用,在计算机与互联网飞速发展的年代,通过IT厂商和信息化工作者的巨大成就,已经得到了印证。然而,当越来越多的IT巨头,把更多创新成果,以“摩尔速度”带给不同行业的公司用户、中小企业的时候,他们不得不面对这样一个严峻的问题:用户“消化”、“转化”这些技术成果的“速度”,并不是按照IT创新的“摩尔速度”同步进行的。
A paper published half a century ago by economist Robert Solow uncovered a major finding that much of the impetus for economic growth should be attributed to technological advances. According to Solow, per capita man-hour production has doubled between 1909 and 1949, when industrialization boomed. Of these, 12.5% contributed to the increase in investment, while 87.5% owed entirely to “technological progress.” The role of “technological progress” in promoting economic growth has been confirmed by the tremendous achievements of IT vendors and information technology workers in the era of rapid development of computers and the Internet. However, when more and more IT giants put more innovations and bring “Moore’s Speed” to corporate users and SMEs in different industries, they have to face such a serious problem that users “digest” , The “speed” of “transforming” these technological achievements does not coincide with the “Moore’s Speed” of IT innovation.