After its founding three years later, it finally came out of college campuses this year, and opened its own installment consumer service to the white collar population of society. “This may be the tipping point for staging business. ” Said Xiao Wenjie, founder of Staging. Staging music is called by many “Little Jingdong.” In staged music online mall, college students can buy goods by installments, initially mainly 3C products. Sounds like this seems to be an e-commerce platform for vertical merchandise for verticals with limited market space. “Many people do not understand us from the beginning, think we can not grow up, but now we all understand that the business model of staged music is a highly growth model. ” Xiao Wenjie said. This high growth is reflected above all in the characteristics of college students. Although college students themselves are not the most mainstream consumer groups, but the most mainstream consumer groups are almost always out of college students.