有很长一段时间,我对海明威用猎枪打掉自己的半个脑袋很不理解。 为什么不好好活着呢? 那时候海明威已是功成名就,连诺贝尔文学奖都得了,夫复何求?当然,你可以说他是在自己感到江郎才尽的时候毅然选择了死。但是,仅仅是这一方面的原因吗?中国有一句古话:好死不如赖活着。用世俗
For a long time, I did not understand Hemingway’s shot of half his head with a shotgun. Why did not he live well? At that time Hemingway has become a fame, even the Nobel Prize for literature have won, what do you want? Of course, you can say that he felt when he did not give up decided to die. But is it just the reason for this? There is an old saying in China: it is better to die than to die. Use the world