中国经济体制改革所带来的深刻变化,冲击着文化、教育各个领域,震撼着人们的心灵 和思想观念。学校德育工作处在“道德难讲清、活动难开展、水平难提高”的被动局 面,应该从学校德育存在的误区、学生身心发展的特点两个层面进行研究探讨。
The profound changes brought about by the reform of China’s economic system have impacted on various fields of culture and education and have shocked people’s hearts and minds. The school’s moral education work office is in a passive situation where “difficult to explain clearly, activities are difficult to carry out, and the level is difficult to improve”. It should be studied and discussed from the aspects of school moral education misunderstandings and students’ physical and psychological development characteristics.