【摘 要】
Specialize in:Buried-in Light,Area/Path Ligt,Anti-moisture Light Courtyard Light
【出 处】
Specialize in:Buried-in Light,Area/Path Ligt,Anti-moisture Light Courtyard Light
over one hundred professional export factories inside,nearly twenty styles of products and various of good, all you want purchasing in fair around the day!convenient for foreigner purchasing all goods
Guzhen Town, which is located in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, is known as the "China Lighting Capital".Supported by a complete industrial cluster, over 5000 lighting manufacturers produce thous
Add:No, 146Xinxing Middle Road,Guzhen Town,Zhongshan City, Guangdong, PR.China. Tel:[86)760-3388555 3388556 Fax:(86)760-2344211 E-mail:
[email protected],gd,cn
[email protected]
INTRODUCTION Shanglaite Lighting Electric Factory was established in 2003.After over three years' hard working, the company has become a large scale lighting production enterprise specializing in ma-
Address: GangDong Industrial District, GuZhen Town, ZhongShan, GuangDong Province. Tel: +86-760-3388191,3388432 Fax:+86-760-3388435,3388434 http://www.shengqiulamp.com E-mail:
[email protected]
专业代理房地产业务 拥有优厚的传媒实力, 汇集丰富的房地产信息, 凝聚广泛的社会资源。
Zhongguancun Science Park iswell-known in China for it haswon the reputation of "China'sSilicon Valley". It was started in the earlytime of 1980's, one of the earliest devel-opment area in Beijing, or
吉豪照明成立于1999年,是一家专业家居照明产品制造商。2002年,公司成功开创融东方恬静禅文化与西方简约风格于一体的韩国风系列,实现了东西文化的融汇贯通,历经七年发展, 目前已形成包括韩国风在内的吸顶灯、厨卫灯、餐吊灯、壁灯、镜前灯等家居照明全系列。过硬的产品质量,优质的品牌服务,吉豪照明,正朝着名牌里程飞跃。
Dafeng Lighting Co.,Ltd, a professional manufaeture of light hamony, which is one of the firstISO9001-2000 certificated lighting companies We Dafeng people have been committing ourselves in new concep