中国传统山水城市非山、水、城三要素的简单并置,而是以城市山水秩序的构建为第一要义.本文以古代成都城为例,通过对成都城营建过程及其特征的研究,总结传统城市山水秩序构建的一般经验:①以名山镇域,构建城市山水坐标;②以地域人工流域为基础,系统构建城市水网;③以山水脉络孕育人文,又以人文补山水脉络之不足,彰显整体形胜;④城市园林系统布局协同于城市建设,人居单元均衡同构.这些基本经验根植于中国传统生态哲学,体现着传统生命思维对山水、人居要素的综合驾驭,并以城市山水秩序集中呈现,形成了象征孕育生命的古代城市人居环境. “,”The order of urban landscape is one of the most important aspects of traditional urban construction in Chins. This paper takes ancient Chengdu as a case, and summarizes some general principles of urban landscape creation in ancient China: ( 1 ) Making coordinates based on the most important mountain in the region; (2) Constructing the urban water network systematically based on the water basin pattern; (3) Integrating the urban landscape structure with humanities; (4) Making urban garden system coordinating with urban construction, and creating balanced Hying units. These principles are rooted in traditional Chinese philosopby, and are important aspects of traditional ecological practices.